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Our business plan 2020-25

Created in collaboration with customers and agreed with Ofwat, our Business Plan outlines the company's priorities and investment opportunities for the next five years.

A new deal

Our business plan for the period 2020-25 has been submitted to Ofwat, the water industry regulator. This plan has been developed in consultation with you, our customers, and will deliver a new deal in which you will have a chance to influence the future direction of the business and share in its success. 

Our plan will empower customers, giving you the opportunity to hold us to account and to ensure we deliver on our commitments while offering you the chance to take a real financial stake in the business.

Empowering customers through:

  • Offering customers a tangible financial stake in the business
  • Giving customers more power to hold us to account
  • Addressing water poverty by 2025, ensuring our services are affordable and accessible for all
  • Reflecting a strong service and cost focus in our culture, delivering more for less
  • Delivering against stretching performance commitments
  • Keeping bills lower through the period than they were 15 years ago

Customer version


Other plans

Pollution reduction plan

Business Plan 2020-25