Early planning to ensure drinking water connections for your new development
If you're planning a new development, we want to help you get it right.
By working together, you get access to public records held by us, our data on available points of connection, and an estimate on how much it will cost to supply that area.
When we know what developers are proposing, we can highlight any areas of concern, and make sure that our assets are able to cope with the added pressure that the new development will bring. It's a win-win for everyone, and avoids costly delays down the line.
It's really easy to apply to our pre-development services - simply fill out this form and send it back to us.
The cost of this service for a water connection is £126 (plus VAT).
If you'd rather carry out your own point of connection assessment, send it to us and we'll validate it. This service costs £38 (plus VAT).
It takes us up to 21 days to get the information you apply for together. See the full process flowchart for more details.
Making a request to this service has never been simpler. Just fill out this form and a member of our team will be in touch shortly with your unique WR number.
Once you've received your WR number, you then pay for the service you've applied for, and leave the rest to us. We'll get back to you with your information within 21 days of receiving the payment.
For more information on our charges, you can read our Developer Services Charging Arrangement.