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Bournemouth Water (BW) has been subject to the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004 since 2015. 

The EIR provides public access to information classified as ‘Environmental Information’ held by public authorities of which BW is one.  

Information covered by the EIRs

  • the state of the elements of the environment (e.g. water, air, soil or land)
  • factors affecting those elements (e.g. radiation, noise, energy or waste)
  • measures and activities affecting the elements and factors (e.g. spend)
  • reports on the implementation of environmental legislation
  • economic analyses used within the framework of the measures and activities above 
  • the state of human Health and Safety as they may be affected by the above

Providing Information

BW provides public access to the ‘environmental information’ we hold in two ways: 

  • actively publishing environmental information to help members of the public access the information held by BW; and
  • in response to individual requests from other organisations and members of the public. 

Environmental information made available through our website can be viewed by members of the public for free.

If you still cannot find what you are looking for or if you require information in hard copy form please contact us to make a request.