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Nature-based solutions to water-quality challenges

Harnessing and restoring nature around our rivers

Making a real difference to our local environments

of land managed
of restored peatland
planted since 2019

Upstream Thinking

Farmyard manure, artificial fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides used on the land can end up in rivers, wreaking havoc on habitats and the quality of the water. Bad raw-water quality means more intensive and expensive treatment is required to get it to drinking-water standards. 

Our multi-award-winning catchment-management scheme, Upstream Thinking, applies natural solutions to reduce this agricultural impact on biodiversity and water quality. It does so whilst supporting farmers and the rural economy, by providing long-term resilience to climate change.

Some of the activities include:

  • Installing waterside fencing
  • Building ponds
  • Improving farm tracks
  • Increasing slurry storage
  • Planting trees and buffer strips to catch and filter water
River Stour in Bournemouth
The benefits

Cleaner water, lower costs

Thanks to Upstream Thinking work, by the time water reaches streams and rivers, it is much cleaner. This allows the treatment process to be faster, cheaper, more efficient, and better for the wider environment because it uses less energy and carbon.

A fox and badger standing beside each other in a forest
The benefits

Better homes for wildlife

Improved soil quality in farmed fields, more trees planted in the right places, pastures rich in plant species and cleaner water in our streams, rivers and reservoirs, means a better home for wildlife. Many species have returned to the waterways that we’ve helped clean up.

Three pigs on a farm
The benefits

More confidence for farmers

Farmers have a huge role to play in keeping rivers and reservoirs clean and healthy, and it’s only with their support that we’ve been able to enjoy the benefits this programme has achieved so far. 

Farmers who have engaged with Upstream Thinking have seen many benefits, including more nutrients left in the soil due to less run-off, healthier pastures to graze their animals in, and sponsored upgrades to their farms like fencing and silage storage.

Doing our bit for climate change

Farmer in bournemouth working with bournemouth water

Catchment sensitive farming

We work with Catchment Sensitive Farming in the Dorset Stour river catchment to reduce water pollution from agriculture to improve water quality. Since engaging with CSF on this issue, metaldehyde levels in the River Stour, have reduced.

Learn more about your water
Tree planting in bournemouth

Planting trees

In 2023 we successfully planted over 2,300 trees across our sites. With more tree planting planned, we’re part of a water industry wide commitment to plant 11 million trees by 2030 to support the goal of a net zero carbon water industry.

How we're off-setting our carbon emissions

Recovering nature for wildlife

We have committed to improving biodiversity across our sites through improvements in ground management. Where we’ve been building, developing or engineering, we leave these sites with a biodiversity net gain.

Recovering nature for wildlife image

Working together to achieve long-lasting change

None of this would be possible without the help and dedication of our partners. Their support and determination in starting and continuing this work with us has seen a significant improvement on river-health across Bournemouth.

The willingness of local landowners, farmers and volunteers to do the right thing for the land and water has made all this possible.