
Bereavement support

Losing a loved one is very difficult to come to terms with and there is a lot to think about. Organisations will need to be made aware of your loss and it can be daunting dealing with more than one. Which is why we are here to help.

At Bournemouth Water we have partnered with LifeLedger to make it easier for you in this difficult time, this service takes away the burden of having the same conversation with lots of different companies. LifeLedger will help to inform banks, insurers and utilities through one central location.

You can also use Tell Us Once to inform local and central government.

Further support

Cruse logo

Grief can become very overwhelming if you feel you need additional support through this time, please contact Cruse, you don’t have to deal with it alone

Bournemouth Water helping customer with practical help

Priority services

Priority Services offers extra assistance to customers who may need it. This could be due to a medical condition, disability, age, or other factors. We can help with things like meter reading and accessible billing formats.

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Two customers paying their bournemouth water bill

Help to pay your bills

We have a wide range of different support, and we'll make sure you're matched with the right help at the right time. Just get in touch to start putting your money worries behind you.

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