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We’re inspiring the next generation on the importance of water, the role they play, and ways they can look after water environments. It’s interesting, interactive and a lot of fun.

From April 2023 to March 2024 the Waterwise programme reached:


Our work in schools

We work with highly trained teachers from Life Education Wessex and Thames Valley, to bring water to life in schools across our supply area. We’ve been in Bournemouth, Wimborne, Ringwood, parts of the New Forest as far as Lymington, and as far north as Downton.

Our exciting workshops are tailored to meet the needs of the class and the subjects they’re already studying. In fun and interactive activities, Key Stage 1 and 2 children learn all about water. With a combination of science, geography and PHSE activities, these sessions are age appropriate and aligned with the National Curriculum requirements.

Note: We do not do lessons on wastewater, as we are a water-only company. If you’re looking for a lesson on wastewater, you can find out who supplies your school and get in touch with their Education Officer.

What we cover

Key Stage 1 - Session length 45 minutes

Each lesson can be tailored to individual classes. At Key Stage 1, the main focus is around these three questions:

  • Where does water come from?
  • Why is water important?
  • How do we use water?

By meeting Otto the Otter, they learn about the river their water comes from and how they can help look after Otto’s home by not wasting water, and making sure plastic doesn’t get into the river.

They also find out how water is cleaned for us to drink and discuss ways they can save water. 

Book a lesson

Key Stage 2 - Session length 60 minutes

Each lesson can be tailored to individual classes. At Key Stage 2, the main focus is around these questions:

  • Where does water come from?
  • How is it cleaned?
  • Why is water important?
  • How do we use water?

We take a deep-dive into the Water Cycle, states of matter, plastic pollution and its impact on rivers, and water treatment. We look at how water reaches our houses and how we use it, focussing especially on how we can save water.

All with the support of Otto the Otter who will visit the children to tell them more about his home, and what they can do to protect it.

Book a lesson

What people have said about our sessions


"What a fantastic workshop, the children have never been so engaged. They were all so ready to commit to being responsible, thoughtful and sustainable members of the community…to save our planet. We cannot thank you enough. - St Peters

"The children really enjoyed the session and were engaged throughout. The demonstrations were pitched perfectly and allowed the children to visualise what they had learned during our topic as well as new content we have yet to cover." - Kingsleigh Primary School.

"Absolutely brilliant. We have all learned so much. Really engaging, children listened throughout and loved getting involved with the demos." - Burton Primary

"The children and I really enjoyed the workshop, it definitely consolidated their knowledge and understanding of our sustainability project this term! You were just fantastic with the children." - Livingstone Academy, Bournemouth



"I loved it I learned so much and I had so much fun."

 "That was the best geography lesson ever. Thank you so much for coming in and bringing Otto in too."

"I really enjoyed seeing how the water got cleaned up. I never knew sand could be used as a filter to catch the dirt. It was like magic. Thank you for showing us Otto. I will try really hard to keep him safe and not waste water." 

"Thank you I really loved meeting Otto and am really sad that the plastic is in his home. I will make sure I don’t drop litter." 

Book your lesson today!

Hurry, the Waterwise sessions do book up quickly, so be sure to secure your school’s place in the calendar. You can book assemblies, single and multiple lessons and one-off events.

Book your lesson today! image

Children love to meet Otto!

During the workshops, children are curious to learn about the journey of water, how to save our precious resource and are introduced to our water saving mascot - Otto the otter, who tells the children that saving water helps to protect his habitat.

Children love to meet Otto! image