How we want to be performing by 2050
Tackling climate change, improving our environmental performance and investing in new treatment methods — there's a lot we want to achieve by 2050 to increase our resilience and reliability to be the best of the best.
We know we have a long way to go, but we're confident we're going to get there.
Putting you, our customers, at the heart of everything we do, giving you a say in the way we invest, and bringing you on the journey with us — together we will do better, go further, and deliver the changes we want to see.
By 2050, we aim to achieve:
Our long-term vision (2020-2050) for improving water services in the Bournemouth and surrounding areas, reflects the feedback we've had from our customers and will help us make some big choices about what to put in our next business plan (which will cover the five-year period 2020-2025).
As a Bournemouth Water customer, we want to know if the priorities we have included are right for you. It’s important you have your say as it will affect the services you receive and the prices you pay.
Supporting the lives of people and the places they love for generations to come.