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Every Drip, Every Drop

Every drip we stop and every drop you save helps tackle climate change, protect our rivers, reduce bills and keep your water flowing.

Let's work together to protect this precious resource

It’s easy to take water for granted, but this precious resource is increasingly under threat. We’re committed to stopping every drip of water by tackling leaks and investing in our network. And by making small changes in the home, like turning off the taps while brushing your teeth, you can help save every drop. Together we can make a difference.

Let's work together to protect this precious resource image
Man working on saving every drip

How we’re stopping every drip

From fixing leaks, to investing in our infrastructure to ensure we have a resilient water network. Learn what we’re doing to stop the drips.

How we stop every drip
How to save water and stop every drop

How you can save every drop

Checking for leaks, becoming water smart and picking up free water saving gadgets. Find out how you can look after every drop.

How you save every drop
Where would you like to save water?

If you answer a few questions below, we'll give you some handy tips and tricks that will keep you as water-efficient as a cactus.

Get your free water-saving devices today

Just enter your postcode and answer a few questions about your water-use and we’ll offer the products which are best for you.

Get your free water-saving devices today image

Are you visiting Bournemouth?

While you’re here, there’s something you can do to help both the local communities and our beautiful environment.

Are you visiting Bournemouth? image