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Improving your service

We’re continually looking for ways to improve your water services

Improving services and investing in your water future

We work hard to keep bills as low as possible by delivering your services more efficiently. At the same time, we are continuing to invest significantly to improve services you have told us are important to you.

Our Water Resources Management Plan outlines the improvements we’ll make to keep providing you with some of the best drinking water in the world


Water Resources Management Plan

Reviewed every year and rewritten every 5 years, this plan covers how we're managing the supply and demand of water in our 5 Water Resource Zones.

View our plan

Projects and investments

Learn more about what we're doing and what we're planning to do to improve our networks.

Find Out More
reduction in leaks*
meters installed
consumption per person per day
209million litres
less water taken from rivers per day

Out lining our water resources plans and investment

Up to 2030:

  • Investment: c£29m
  • Litres saved: 2.82m
  • Additional water made available: 1m

Up to 2050:

  • Investigating building a new reservoir (Cheddar 2) in partnership with Wessex Water and Bristol Water
  • Reopening an existing borehole and instal a new one
  • Transferring treated wastewater (managed by Wessex Water) from, Christchurch to supplement the River Stour at times of low flow

Improving our customer services

From giving us invaluable insights at public meetings, to being our eyes and ears when it comes to leaks and pollutions, customers are at the heart of why we do what we do.

With that in mind, we’re going further for our customers.

WaterShare+ logo

Our public meetings

Join us at our Customer Meeting with our WaterShare+ Advisory Panel where you can learn more about how we’re delivering on our promises, and ask questions and raise your concerns.

Register to the next meeting
Customer AMG

Customer AGM

Over 30% of our customers have now become shareholders in the company’s parent company Pennon thanks to our WaterShare+ initiative. Our annual Customer AGMs are for all Pennon shareholders to attend to feedback on the company’s performance.
education officer working with community
Working withing schools

Community Engagement

We're teaching in schools, attending careers fairs and providing help and advice at pop-up events in Bournemouth.

Educational school visits
Two people holding hands in support

Help and support

From practical help like having important information sent in different formats, and more frequent meter reads, to financial help including support with debt, we are constantly looking of ways to improve these services. We recently removed the benefit criteria for one of our most popular support tariffs, WaterCare.
Further help and support
workshop to improve your service


Whenever we make a change in the business, like updating the website, research into customer priorities for the business plans, or want to trial a new process, we run customer workshops. These are hugely informative events that have truly shaped where the business has placed itself within the industry.